I carry you with me
through the hours of the day
the minutes trickle out
a trail of blood red wine
the seconds, like blossoms
sweetly fall into decay
I picture your face
hear your voice in my mind
I carry you with me
through the hours of the day
I carry you with me
closer than skin
dreams of you, like thunder
crash and roll away
thoughts of you, like raindrops
fill me to the brim
I cover my eyes
against the desires they betray
I carry you with me
closer than skin
I carry you with me
through the hours of the day
the minutes tumble past
disregarded, left behind
the seconds, like memories
gently fade away
I picture your face
taste your kisses in rewind
I carry you with me
through the hours of the day
I carry you with me
closer than skin
dreams of you, like storms
leave me in disarray
thoughts of you
like snowflakes
melting from within
I cover my eyes
hold my secrets
lest they stray
I carry you with me
closer than skin
© Ann Bagnall