…is inevitable
Death is inevitable
it can strike like lightning
or like the stealthy tides
slowly erode the sands
beneath our feet
we all must surrender
to the reaper
immortality is just a concept
not a reality we will experience
for eventually death
comes for us all
our shadow souls set free
our incorporeal souls
suddenly uncoupled
floating in uncertainty
blind to the impending chaos
the mirror
strangely dark and empty
the light fading to black
creating an endless abyss
where shadows
cannot be cast nor seen
as if they have never been
but our unseen shadows
in their separation
will call the reaper
who stands silent and unseen
his scythe poised and still
for even he
must seek their permission
to claim our souls
it is not his hand
that seals our fate
that decides if our souls
may finally rest
or continue to roam
endlessly untethered
for even the reaper
must bow to the will
of the shadows
© Ann Bagnall