I don't think authenticty is entirely based on having personal experience of someting - I think it is more about expressing our own authentic feelings or views, using our own authentic language or even expressing things that other people can relate to to from their own experience because of things that you have learned or observed (not neccesarrily experienced yourself I mean) - it's different things to different people - for example - I find if I read a poem where someone uses over the top language or complex words (that I as a wordsmith have to look up!) if I am not feeling the emotions and seeing the images it really does not move me - I write about things I have never experienced all the time, I don't know where it comes from, but if I write it, and then read it and feel all the feels, then I feel good about it - I once had my sister contact me and demand to know what was happening with me because a series of poems sounded to her like I had stuff going on I was not talking about with her - It took some work to convince her I was okay and this is just how I write sometimes! I guess all we can do is be who we are - so you just keep on doing you because that is where your best work will come from!