…of the unsaid and unseen
The hourglass
never stops turning
its slender waist
trapped in time
grain after grain
it spills our memories
like secrets whispered
into the wind
an endless flow
a dance of sand
no pause
to catch its breath
it sways to the rhythm
of infinity
each grain
a silent footstep
there is no up
and there is no down
no beginning
and no end
just a cycle
and spinning
the constant hum
of life and death
the glass never breaks
it bends
holding the weight
of all
that has gone before
and all
that is yet to come
dreams dissolve
in its depths
trickle down
like drops of gold
like shadows
drift away
by the sieve of time
it never stops
and never rests
a tireless witness
to the unfolding
the keeper
of the unsaid
and unseen
always turning
in an endless dance
of what could have been
© Ann Bagnall