The Melody
I am accustomed to your face
it sustains me
your absence
puts an edge on my existence
I feel the loss of you as if it is forever
just a momentary parting
can stretch an instant
into hours
the first sight after separation
as if new again
I see you in the light of fresh discovery
with the rush of precious memory
I feel the lack of you, like injury
and your return, without knowledge
like a movement within
heart lifting
I know your hands, they raise me up
the tracing of your fingertips against mine
I see your face, breathtaking
like the first glimpse of the widest ocean
the misty mountains, the deepest gorge
I know your voice
without the sight of you
from a distance
as the church bells
the distant reminder of worship
are pealing louder
a song, floating on the breeze
the melody of my heart lifts me up
and I am adrift, upon the wind
© Ann Bagnall