These Are

Apr 15, 2024

…the miracles

Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

Life rushes
over rocks and stones
that have lain
at rest too long
constantly wind blown
ever worn
and weathered
by times’
ageing practice
of slow decay

by waters’ hone
or worn
long ages past, by sand
until at last
shaken loose
where each falls

time lifts them
from the riverbed
of endless
their hidden secrets
no-one knows
layered deeply
a sense
of immense time

the far reach
of uncounted years
still saved within
to their perfection
these mysteries
they form
are never destroyed

each stone
in its’ time
its’ secrets will reveal
lies a memory
unknowingly left behind
like signatures
turned in the hand
these are the miracles
that reveal
an ancient knowledge
and ignite a spark of life

© Ann Bagnall




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