This is beautifully crafted, your rhyming is great - it does not feel forced and each stanza flows smoothly to the next. I also appreciated that you did not limit yourself to the rhyme pattern of two rhymes per stanza, allowing stanza 3 and 8 to have their four lines all rhyme (which I only noticed because they flowed so beautifully, which is hard to do with 4 lines that rhyme but you kept it smooth!) I have read it through a number of times and the stanza that really catches my attention each time is this one:
'All that we once cherished, torn apart,
The paper haunted, with ink from the heart,
A burning tear, that scorches the page,
A haunting image, of a forgotten age.'
It is not just the poet in me that loves this, but 'haunting image, of a forgotten age' just says something to me, but I can't quite reach it, which is something I love in a poem!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us here at Move Me!