Thorns Of Desire

Nov 1, 2022

The Pain of Separation

Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

Dawn draws near
and I linger here
in the deep pools
of longing

both the silence and I
are aching
as the day breaks
in rose coloured glass
and gently repaints
my illusions

her pastel strokes
fall like veils
upon the morning
yet they are fragile
too ephemeral
to disguise the darkness
that lies entangled
in the fleeting corridors
of night

in my thoughts
the endless thorns
of desire
the pain of separation

but now I must rise
rise, above it all
to stand tall
and turn my back
upon the memories
of the fall

for this affliction
assails me
in constant repetition
and I am lost
in the devastation

© Ann Bagnall




My poetry website is - Thank you for your kind words, I have family matters overwhelming me for a while